
Genuine storytelling rooted in empathy for your customers is what content marketing is all about. Find inspiration on my blog to discover your authentic message.

Between Two Worlds: A Cultural Tale
Suzanne Frijling Suzanne Frijling

Between Two Worlds: A Cultural Tale

When you communicate, a lot can go wrong. Very wrong. And when you're immersed in a culture that is vastly different from your own, the challenges are even greater.

But to become an effective communicator, the key is to admit it, analyze the situation, and have the guts to look at yourself honestly in the mirror.

Here's a short story about how I clashed immensely at the time I was a hostel owner in Cuba... And what I learned from it.

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How did an art historian who owned a hostel in Cuba become a freelance content marketer?
Suzanne Frijling Suzanne Frijling

How did an art historian who owned a hostel in Cuba become a freelance content marketer?

I have a special bond with Cuba. From my early days as a student, I visited the island frequently as my father married my Cuban stepmother. With a degree in Art History and years of working in the arts in Istanbul and Quito, I was ready to start my own business. So, together with my partner, we established a Bed and Breakfast in Trinidad, a lovely and quaint Cuban town. A childhood dream of becoming my own boss finally came true.

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